Exceeding Expectations is the Art of Lesser Brands

October 31, 2024

We’ve all heard the mantra: exceed client expectations. It’s been repeated so often that it’s almost a given in professional services. But let’s challenge that notion. What if exceeding expectations isn't actually the path to greatness? What if it's the refuge of lesser brands?

The truly elite brands don’t exceed expectations—they REDEFINE them. They elevate what’s possible, making it crystal clear that no one else even comes close. Think of the Ritz Carlton or Rolls Royce. Do they try to surprise and delight by going a little above what their clients expect? Not at all. Their whole proposition is about setting the bar impossibly high—so high that the market knows that no one is better.

When you engage with these brands, you come in expecting the absolute best. It’s not about an unexpected bonus or a pleasant surprise. It’s about experiencing a level of quality and excellence that others can’t even touch. And when they do something magical, even if unexpected, you expect it from them.

To truly elevate client experience, we must aim higher than the notion of “exceeding expectations.” We must focus on elevating the expectations themselves. And once we’ve raised them, we nail it every single time. Elevating expectations means setting a standard that defines excellence in your field—and then delivering so consistently that there is no question about your place at the top. It’s about operating at a level where anything less than the best is unimaginable.

The brands that get this right don’t just “exceed expectations”; they shift the client's understanding of what excellence means. They move the goalposts. They reset the standard. Exceeding expectations, by comparison, is reactive—it's doing more in response to what clients already anticipate. However, elevating expectations is proactive. It’s about creating a new vision of what success looks like and ensuring your prospects and clients buy into it.

This approach changes how we think about client relationships. It’s not enough to be the best-kept secret or to “over-deliver” on modest goals. We must articulate a vision for excellence that inspires clients to expect more—and then embody that vision in every interaction, every touchpoint. When you make this such an integral part of your brand your marketing, sales, revenues, and profits all rise. Talent lines up for the opportunity to work for you. And the best, most strategic projects and clients become your long-term revenue core.

Exceeding expectations is the practice of those still trying to prove themselves. Elevating expectations and then delivering flawlessly is the work of the elite.

Ryan Suydam

Ryan Suydam co-founded Client Savvy in 2004, to help firms create fierce client loyalty by designing, implementing, and measuring client experiences. He has coached nearly 700 organizations and over 30,000 professionals on the skills required to be “client savvy.”

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