Empathy. That’s a tough word. It might even be frightening. Don’t worry. We’ll get through this together. Client Empathy Mapping (CEM) is a fairly simple exercise that will transform your firm’s way of thinking about how you engage with your clients. It will create awareness, build value and allow you to design a framework and […]
Author: Ryan Suydam
Grow revenue with fewer clients? You Bet!
What would you say if I told you it is possible to: Reduce the number of client relationships each of your project managers must manage, Increase individual project profitability and overall revenue growth, Provide your clients with a better experience working with your firm, and Reduce the risk of key talent burnout (or worse) And, […]
Customer Success Rules!
As a customer experience professional, I get caught up in the numbers. Customer Effort Scores. C-SAT, NPS, etc. As an organizational leader, my number focus moves to profit, employee engagement, growth, etc. A BASIC OF THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE A small note on my notebook catches my attention multiple times a day. “CSR” which is my […]
Keeping Clients: Part of the Growth Equation
FIND. WIN. KEEP. In the professional services (Architecture, Engineering, Legal, Accounting, etc.) industries our focus remains on FINDING new clients (or new opportunities) and building a pursuit plan for WINNING the work. Although we think performing technically is all that is needed to delight and KEEP our clients, most clients will say that is a threshold. Keeping clients now requires a deeper […]
Client Experience Flag Planters Needed
In my humble opinion, it doesn’t take much leadership courage to carry a flag for improvements to the client/customer experience. Compared to hoisting the improved profitability flag quarter after quarter, the weight of engaging employees on something the employees have an emotional attachment to has to be a more fulfilling and fruitful pursuit. Where are […]
Avoid Commoditization – Tell A Story
It’s not what you do – it is the experience you provide. When was the last time you attended an industry meeting that did NOT highlight the plight of commoditization? Dictionary.com defines the word: “almost total lack of meaningful differentiation in the goods (or services) provided“. So how do you avoid commoditization and differentiate your […]