With clients having access to more options and a stronger voice in the marketplace than ever before, experience, over price and product, has become a key brand differentiator. Firms that want to outpace the competition and avoid commoditization need a robust Client Experience (CX) Strategy.

Implementing a voice of customer (VoC) program can help your firm avoid incomplete, indirect, and garbled communication with your clients.

Your firm invests hours brainstorming and planning ways to improve internal processes and service delivery to clients. Do you know whether your initiatives set you up for sustainable success or disheartening disappointment? For initiatives to succeed, a stable structure is crucial, and this starts with understanding your team of employees and your clients. To create a […]

Although cross-selling can be an easy way to increase revenue, lower marketing costs, and extend your firm’s relationships with your clients, getting buy-in from your team members is often challenging. Do any of these statements sound familiar? “We’re leaving revenue on the table.” “Do your clients even know we offer other services?” “The more services […]

Have you or a staff member ever received challenging or critical customer feedback and immediately felt anxious or reacted defensively? It can be difficult to avoid these natural human reactions and take the time to view the feedback more openly and constructively. Framing feedback is key to responding to challenging customer feedback effectively. As easy […]

You may have read my last blog, “11 Reasons CX programs are doomed to fail”, but if not, I highlighted the number of reasons why CX programs are failing across the professional services industry. I decided it may be a clever idea to follow up with this blog as a good place to start next… […]

While traditionally associated with retail, understanding share of wallet is also crucial for maximizing the profitability of professional services firms. Clients have preferences, and your firm should ideally be their go-to choice. However, repeat business and client satisfaction alone don’t tell the whole story. If clients are turning to competitors for a significant (or any) […]

We’ve all seen it on countless competitor websites: “We strive to exceed our clients’ expectations!” It’s a seemingly innocuous statement, a badge of honor in many industries. But what if there’s a better approach? What if exceeding expectations, while well-intentioned, actually undermines your value proposition? This article challenges the traditional “exceeding expectations” mantra used throughout […]