If you manage a professional services firm you have most likely seen numerous reports, charts, and other data measuring the financial performance of your projects. You have surely seen metrics of profitability, revenue, aged accounts, and more. These are usually mapped across an axis of time (monthly revenue, for example). However, none of these reports […]
Tag: Professional Services
Don’t let your clients’ experience be like a game of telephone
Do you remember playing the telephone game as a child? One friend would start with a sentence and the sentence would work its way around the circle. By the time it got to you it was a garbled circus of word entertainment. The point of the game was to illustrate how things are lost in […]
Overestimating Client Expectations Costs Money
Why don’t clients to tell us exactly what they need? How can we deliver to their expectations without that information? What is all this guess work doing to our bottom line? You may be asking yourself these questions, and if you’re not, you should be. Case Study Recently, a 400-person construction firm sent a baseline […]
How to get buy-in from your team on a new initiative
Anyone who has worked in an office has had the experience of walking into a meeting to discover that management is launching yet another initiative, program, or system to address a need or problem in the organization. Many of us have become accustomed to watching these programs come and go without ever getting immersed in them. We […]
An Adieu Haiku
You are leaving me? Who will I call at your firm? I’m lost without you You lost your champion at one of your key clients. Maybe they retired, maybe they went and found a new job, either way, it’s not easy. You’ve spent years working with *THAT* person. You know their kid’s favorite sports, their […]
Overcoming Obstacles to Cross-Selling
“We’re leaving revenue on the table.” “Do your clients even know we offer other services?” “The more services we offer to our clients, the deeper our relationship will be.” Do any of these statements sound familiar? Although cross-selling can be an easy way to increase revenue, lower marketing costs, and extend your firm’s relationships deeper […]
Client Experience is like a colonoscopy?
You may think, what? I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. I read an article recently that shared research from Dr. Daniel Kahneman’s “Peak/End” study and supported ensuring that each of your client’s interactions with your team is positive. In the study, Dr. Kahneman compared two groups of patients. The first group received a […]
Winning work based on relationships, not price
Most people have a go-to laundry detergent. When they need to replenish their supply, they head to the cleaning aisle, find their brand of choice, and put it into their cart without a second thought. Have you ever asked someone why they use the brand they use? Sometimes the answer is “it’s cheapest,” but most […]
Client Experience Strategy. Does your firm need one?
The answer is yes. According to Walker Information, 86% of buyers will pay more for a better experience. And, by 2020 Experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. With clients having more choices and louder voices than ever before, firms that want to outpace the competition and avoid commoditization need a […]
Is User Pause impacting your CX strategy?
35,000. That’s how many decisions the average adult makes in one day. Some of them will be trivial: choosing to change the channel from the evening news to Jeopardy. Some of them will be critical: choosing to swerve left to avoid the 12-point buck in the middle of the road. At some point, however, we […]