With clients having access to more options and a stronger voice in the marketplace than ever before, experience, over price and product, has become a key brand differentiator. Firms that want to outpace the competition and avoid commoditization need a robust Client Experience (CX) Strategy.

Implementing a voice of customer (VoC) program can help your firm avoid incomplete, indirect, and garbled communication with your clients.

Your firm invests hours brainstorming and planning ways to improve internal processes and service delivery to clients. Do you know whether your initiatives set you up for sustainable success or disheartening disappointment? For initiatives to succeed, a stable structure is crucial, and this starts with understanding your team of employees and your clients. To create a […]

Although cross-selling can be an easy way to increase revenue, lower marketing costs, and extend your firm’s relationships with your clients, getting buy-in from your team members is often challenging. Do any of these statements sound familiar? “We’re leaving revenue on the table.” “Do your clients even know we offer other services?” “The more services […]

Imagine you could: • Drastically reduce the number of client relationships each project manager must handle, • Skyrocket individual project profitability and overall revenue growth, • Offer clients a superior experience working with your firm, and • Drastically decrease the risk of key talent burnout (or worse) – all without doing a large-scale hiring of […]

You’ve determined your send list, carefully crafted your questions, launched your survey, and received your customers’ feedback – but now what? While Customer feedback can do many things, understanding the core basics of what to do with the feedback you receive is the first step on the path to CX success.    Actively Listen & […]

There’s a disconnect between CEOs and Client Feedback. 80% of CEOs believe their businesses have a compelling client experience (CX) journey. Yet, it’s been proven that only 8% of clients agree. This phenomenon is known as the Client Experience Gap. What’s the cause of the divide? Where did the disconnect begin? I blame the internet. […]

Want to increase your organization’s profits? Did you know that the average annual growth rate of experience-driven businesses is 15% higher than companies that do not intentionally create a positive experience for their clients? The keyword here is intentionally. Your clients are already having an experience working with your firm. The only question is, what […]

In October’s blog, CX & EX: Vicious or Virtuous Cycle, I discussed the importance of being intentional about your firm’s client experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) efforts. Are you an engineering, architecture, construction, legal, accounting (fill in the blank here) firm? Does your company try to provide a positive CX OR are you a […]

“You guys are great. The slowdowns are all on my end.” “You provided us exactly what we needed.” “Mary is great to work with and always responds promptly.” It’s a funny thing about feedback. So many of us associate feedback with hearing what we’ve done wrong or how we missed the mark. When the reality […]