Imagine you could: • Drastically reduce the number of client relationships each project manager must handle, • Skyrocket individual project profitability and overall revenue growth, • Offer clients a superior experience working with your firm, and • Drastically decrease the risk of key talent burnout (or worse) – all without doing a large-scale hiring of […]

In this digital age where technology enhancements and AI implementation are on the rise, customer feedback, now more than ever, is an invaluable resource for businesses aiming to improve their products, services, and overall customer experience. However, the overuse of surveys can lead to a phenomenon known as “survey fatigue,” where respondents become tired of […]

You’ve determined your send list, carefully crafted your questions, launched your survey, and received your customers’ feedback – but now what? While Customer feedback can do many things, understanding the core basics of what to do with the feedback you receive is the first step on the path to CX success.    Actively Listen & […]