Improve employee well-being and attract top talent with client feedback. Learn how customer feedback reduces burnout, enhances job satisfaction, and helps businesses retain their best employees. Discover key strategies for a thriving workforce.

Client feedback is a game-changer when it comes to enhancing proposal quality and increasing win rates. By gathering feedback before the final selection, businesses can gain valuable insights into proposal clarity, relevance, and effectiveness.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a key measure of client loyalty and satisfaction. Leveraging client feedback, businesses can enhance their NPS and gain valuable insights into customer preferences.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS®) measures the willingness of clients to recommend your firm’s service to their peers. It is typically used as a proxy for gauging your clients’ overall loyalty to your firm and your brand. Many Client Experience (CX) and Voice of the Client (VoC) programs incorporate NPS. The founding principles of NPS […]

Has this ever happened to you? One of your clients says, “I’ll be happy to refer you to my colleague. You and your team have done a terrific job for us.” And then, NOTHING happens. Did they change their mind? Did they forget? It feels awkward to ask them why they haven’t followed through. On […]

Implementing a customer feedback program gives your firm a tool to identify and quantify your raving fans. It also keeps your firm (and your customers’ appreciation for what you are doing for them) top-of-mind.