Client Perception Studies for Professional Services Firms 

Gain client insights, strengthen relationships, drive meaningful change, and position your firm for growth.

Client Perception Study Report Example

Unlock Powerful Insights for Growth with Client Savvy's Baseline Client Perception Study

Understanding how clients perceive your firm is essential to sustaining long-term success in today's competitive landscape. A Client Perception Study, also known as a Client Sentiment Analysis, provides your firm with actionable insights, helping you uncover valuable feedback, strengthen client relationships, and position yourself for future growth. This comprehensive study is not just about gathering data—it’s about driving meaningful change and fostering a truly client-centric culture.


of clients have a complaint that they have not yet brought to your attention

Collecting client feedback is crucial for uncovering hidden complaints, enabling firms to address underlying issues and enhance the client experience.


of clients are actively looking to find a new service provider

Client feedback helps you understand client sentiment and identify at-risk clients, so you can take proactive steps to strengthen relationships and improve retention.


of professional services CEOs believe they are delivering an above-average CX

Many firms assume they already know what their clients think, dismissing the value of feedback to truly understand actual client perceptions.


of clients believe their professional services partner is delivering an above-average CX

A significant gap exists in meeting client expectations, and client feedback is essential to uncover where disconnects exist and how to address them.

What is a Client Perception Study?

A Client Perception Study is a strategic, electronic survey-based research process that gathers and analyzes client feedback and sentiment about their experience with your professional services firm. It goes beyond basic satisfaction metrics, offering deep insights into client expectations. Through this process, you can identify potential risks, uncover opportunities for cross-selling and referrals, and gain a clear snapshot of how your firm is perceived. The study’s analysis of client sentiment serves as the foundation for building stronger relationships and is an essential part of a broader Voice of the Client (VoC) program, which collects ongoing feedback throughout the client journey to drive continuous improvement.

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Why Conduct a Client Perception Study?

Gain a Clear Understanding of Client Sentiment

Firms often assume they know what clients think, but feedback can reveal hidden issues and opportunities missed in daily interactions. A client perception study closes the gap between assumptions and reality, providing an accurate picture of your firm's standing with clients.

Drive Continuous Improvement in Client Experience

Collecting client feedback demonstrates your firm’s

commitment to continuous improvement. Seeking input shows clients that their opinions matter. This builds trust and strengthens relationships, positioning your firm as a proactive partner focused on delivering value.

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Boost Referrals and Identify At-Risk Clients

A perception study is a powerful tool to pinpoint which clients are likely to recommend your services and which relationships may be at risk. Through Net Promoter Score (NPS) and other metrics, you can identify promoters ready for referrals and detractors who may need immediate attention.

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Learn more about the benefits of Client Perception Studies.

A Differentiated Approach to Client Perception Research

Client Savvy’s approach to a Client Perception Study goes far beyond a standard client research survey, providing you with unmatched insight and clarity.

Here’s where we stand out:

Leverage Our Powerful Customer Feedback Platform

Our study is powered by Client Savvy’s industry-leading Customer Feedback Platform, the Client Feedback Tool, which is built to capture feedback more effectively than traditional survey tools. Our platform generates a 2x higher response rate, uncovers 6x more actionable feedback, identifies 3x more pain points, and generates a 5x increase in qualitative comments—all of which provide a richer understanding of your client relationships.

Patented Scoring Methodology and 7-Point Scale

Our patented scoring methodology and 7-point scale truly sets our surveys apart. Unlike typical surveys that measure satisfaction, our approach focuses on client expectations. This allows us to uncover the deeper meaning behind client

feedback, providing you with a clearer picture of where you’re excelling and where you need to improve. By measuring expectations, rather than just satisfaction, we offer a more precise view of client sentiment.

Deep, Multi-Stakeholder Feedback

We don’t just gather feedback from one person within each client organization. Our research captures input from a broad range of stakeholders, giving you a deep, nuanced view of how different parts of your clients' teams perceive your firm. This multi-level feedback enables you to better understand the complexities of your client relationships.

Actionable Insights for Growth and Retention

Armed with these insights, your firm will be better equipped to make data-driven decisions that not only strengthen client relationships but also open new opportunities for cross-selling, referrals, and growth. You’ll also be able to quickly identify at-risk clients and address concerns before they impact your business.

Client Research and Client Perception Study

Our Client Perception Study Deliverables

Client Savvy delivers a comprehensive set of insights and tools to help you maximize the value of your client feedback.

Number 1

Kick-Off Consultation

We start with a collaborative session to confirm goals and objectives, define roles, and identify key data sources.

Number 2

Customized Survey Design

We work with your team to tailor survey questions that resonate with your client base and ensure maximum engagement.

Number 3

Data Collection & Execution

We manage the entire process, including data management and administering the survey, all branded with your firm’s identity.

Number 4

Real-Time Alerts & Reporting Throughout the process, we can notify your team of key responses, allowing for immediate action where necessary.

Number 5

In-Depth Analysis

Our experts aggregate the data and provide a detailed analysis, including benchmarks against best-in-class industry peers.

Number 6

Consulting Sessions

You’ll receive up to three virtual sessions to help interpret the data, identify trends, and create actionable strategies to improve.

Expected Outcomes of a Client Perception Study

By the end of the Baseline Client Perception Study, your firm will have:

A Clear Understanding of Client Sentiment

You’ll gain a comprehensive view of how well your firm is meeting client

expectations and where there’s room for improvement, helping you understand both your strengths and weaknesses.

Data-Driven Insights for Growth

Armed with detailed client feedback, your firm will be able to make strategic decisions to strengthen client relationships, drive loyalty, and unlock new opportunities for business growth.

Identification of At-Risk Clients

The study will pinpoint clients whose satisfaction or loyalty may be at risk, enabling your team to take proactive steps to address concerns and preserve those relationships.

Opportunities for Cross-Selling and Referrals

You’ll uncover which clients are most likely to recommend your services, helping you tap into new business leads and build stronger, long-term partnerships through cross-selling and referrals.

Benchmarking and Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Track your performance over time, measure improvements, identify trends, and monitor progress in client experience delivery. We'll also calculates your Net Promoter Score (NPS), enabling comparisons against industry benchmarks for insights into competitive positioning.

A Roadmap for Ongoing Feedback Initiatives

For firms just getting started with client feedback, this study lays the foundation for a comprehensive Voice of the Customer (VoC) program, enabling ongoing feedback throughout the client journey and continuous improvement in CX..