We are the Thought Leaders in Customer Experience for Professional Services.

Client Experience Strategy For Professional Service Firms

Client Savvy was born in 2004 in response to the need for professional services firms to know what their clients are thinking and to learn how they are performing versus their clients’ expectations.

Founder, Ryan Suydam, created the Client Feedback Tool to empower professional services firms to understand how they are performing when it comes to their client expectations. This amazing tool cleverly indicates helpfulness, responsiveness, quality, accuracy, schedule, scope and fees, support, and Net Promoter Score.

With the results of the Client Feedback Tool, professional services firms deliver measurable improvement for Clients and Employees, alike. Furthermore, the Client Feedback Tool equals an increase in revenue, referrals, and repeat business.

Leadership Team

Ryan Suydam


“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” My strengths are focused in ideation and strategic – I get excited helping others look at problems in new ways, specifically to help them build and develop great relationships. I’m not content until I hear a success story that our work together was well worth the effort.

Blake Godwin


I thrive off of creating a win-win-win situation. Aligning strategic priorities with a client experience strategy not only enables our clients to achieve their goals, but it makes our Clients’, clients, happy!

Ryanne Nelson


I am encouraged when clients use the feedback they receive to promote a culture where their firm’s Client Experience initiatives facilitate long-term Client Relationships.

Tim Asimos

Tim Asimos, CPSM


I love building relationships and providing value to clients at every interaction. I use the combination of my industry experience and subject-matter expertise to create new perspectives and share strategic insights to help firms accomplish their specific business goals.

Desi Podkowka


I enjoy making connections with people and delivering a “human” experience to the professional world. I’m excited to have the opportunity to make those connections with our clients and provide them with out of the box insights, so that together we can make their business flourish beyond imagination.

Iana Belova

PRODUCT manager

Driven and autonomous professional who has effectively managed global teams, projects and businesses in both corporate IT and startup environments.