Linguistic Analysis For Professional Services Firms

Client Experience Strategy For Professional Service Firms

Harness the power of our linguists to interpret and understand client interactions and translate the patterns in your clients’ language into impactful strategies that you can act on.

Linguistic analysis displayed as a human face made of different words

What Is Linguistic Analysis?

Linguistic analysis, or sociolinguistics, is the study of the grammar of communication. In a business setting, linguists can interpret and understand interaction and can provide insights into your client relationships you would never have had before.

Word Cloud

Make Impactful Business Decisions With Linguistic Text Analysis

comments that accompany feedback scores. Client Savvy will work with you to turn data into actionable insights.

Apply the theoretical lens and expertise of a skilled analyst to your client communication to create more positive experiences with your clients. Linguistic Text Analysis can be applied to:

Client feedback surveys

RFP documents

Marketing Materials

Website design

Internal communication practices

Pretty much anywhere you use language in your business

Combine Linguistic Analysis With Client Feedback Tools To Improve Client Relationships

When combined with Client Feedback Tools, we are able to help you make sense of qualitative data and provide actionable insights. Use cases include:

Interpret client comments into meaningful feedback

Client comments inside of client feedback surveys are often emotional, abstract, and relational, but not always tied to specific product stages or delivery of projects. Linguistic feedback can provide an understanding of client sentiment and help you adjust experiences to exceed expectations.

Analyze Net Promoter Scores (NPS) to understand how to get more promoters (and fewer detractors)

Get a deep analysis of each clients’ NPS along with impactful guidance on how to apply that knowledge to each client on the spectrum -- Promoters, Detractors, or Passives.

Reveal the sentiments that motivate your clients

Baseline surveys help provide quantitative data about client relations and trends, however do not always reveal client motivations. A linguistic analysis of baseline survey results can assure positive perceptions are maintained and peak performance delivered.

Linguistic Analysis Programs

for Professional Services Firms

Professional Services Firms - Architects - Client Savvy.






IT Solutions

Get Started With Linguistic Analysis

Linguistic Analysis is one of many services related to Client Experience (CX) we provide. Contact us today to schedule a video meet and greet so we can show you how we can empower your firm to make positive CX changes.