CX Change Management Program For Professional Service Firms

Client Experience Strategy For Professional Service Firms

Change can be hard. Ensure the success of your client experience initiatives with Change Management Programs from Client Savvy.

Network of people on a computer screen

What Is Change Management?

Change management is an organizational process that provides a top down cultural transformational effort that motivates employees to engage in a new initiative. In a client experience (CX) context, a Change Management Program answers the “who we are” question and allows teams to understand how that translates into living, acting, working, and engaging.

Diagram | Vision, Strategy, Planning, Execution, Sustaining

Create Change Management Leaders Who Inform, Align, & Empower Execution With Client Savvy

Client Savvy’s Change Management Program empowers firms to connect executive sponsorship with leaders and front-line staff with strategic business advisory services.

We’ll help rally your entire firm around change management aimed at enhancing your client experience initiatives. Using a combination of change management tools and advisory services, we’ll help plug your firm into an effective change management process:

  1. Define areas for change
  2. Craft a strategic plan for change
  3. Implement change and accountability
  4. Compare goals against client outcomes
  5. Capture behavioral metrics 
  6. Analyze results and improve outcomes

Expertly Blend Change Management Processes With Strategic Planning For The Perfect Marriage Of Metrics And Action

Change Management Software can blend a variety of client experience tools that are dependent on the change management goals of your firm. Our Client Feedback Tool gives you a range of change management tools that help you carry out your initiatives clearly and effectively. 

Change Management Software within the Client Feedback Tool suite includes:

Net Promoter Scores

Voice of the Client (Voc) feedback

Employee Experience feedback

Empathy Mapping tools

Linguistic Analysis tools

Insight Analysis tools

Change management processes provided by Client Savvy include:

Governance Design

Implementation Planning

Communication Planning

Metrics & Measurement

Insights and Analysis


Get Started With Change Management

If you want to get started on your CX journey, or even just explore what CX means at your firm, contact us today to schedule a video meet and greet so we can show you how we can empower your firm to make positive CX changes.

Employee Engagement

for Professional Services Firms

Professional Services Firms - Architects - Client Savvy.






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