You may have read my last blog, “11 Reasons CX programs are doomed to fail”, but if not, I highlighted the number of reasons why CX programs are failing across the professional services industry. I decided it may be a clever idea to follow up with this blog as a good place to start next… […]

While traditionally associated with retail, understanding share of wallet is also crucial for maximizing the profitability of professional services firms. Clients have preferences, and your firm should ideally be their go-to choice. However, repeat business and client satisfaction alone don’t tell the whole story. If clients are turning to competitors for a significant (or any) […]

As a firm leader, you get it. You understand that your clients are already having an “experience” working with your firm. You also know that their experience working with your firm is not always consistent and you and your team are still spending more time than you’d prefer putting out fires. You’ve read the articles […]

My colleague recently took a trip to the mountains of North Carolina for a long weekend with his fiancée. He reserved a cute little cabin in the woods on Airbnb and looked forward to some quiet down-time. After a four-hour drive, they arrived – it was beautiful! The instructions in the Airbnb app said the […]

“I laughed.” That’s what Forrester CEO, George Colony said he did when he saw the “instant customer feedback buttons’ at Heathrow Airport. It’s not as if a frowny face, a smiley face, and a straight face are exactly sophisticated. In his post, Real-Time Customer Experience he went on to share that he quickly realized he was […]

At Client Savvy, one of our core values is to be community makers. Specifically, our goal is to build communities of individuals around the focus of client experience (CX). Why do we do this? To help our clients differentiate their firms, increase growth and profitability, and retain key talent. Our values and goals drive our […]

People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill, they want a quarter-inch hole. – Theodore Levitt A client shared their challenge with identifying clients that would be willing to take advantage of a new technology they had adopted. This technology would allow the firm to more accurately identify the potential for inconsistencies and errors in […]

Do you remember playing the telephone game as a child? One friend would start with a sentence and the sentence would work its way around the circle. By the time it got to you it was a garbled circus of word entertainment. The point of the game was to illustrate how things are lost in […]

Sound fundamentals drive successful client experience. When one mentions the name Chick-fil-A®, visions of a tasty chicken sandwich and waffle fries come to mind. However, when it comes to marketing and business development, Chick-fil-A becomes synonymous with superior service. They give the customer more than they expect. Corporate Philosophy The company was founded in the […]

You may think, what? I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. I read an article recently that shared research from Dr. Daniel Kahneman’s “Peak/End” study and supported ensuring that each of your client’s interactions with your team is positive. In the study, Dr. Kahneman compared two groups of patients. The first group received a […]